Problems we solve through web app design

Complex user journeys

Enterprise web apps and B2B platforms have intricate user journeys, involving multiple roles, departments, and decision-makers. We skillfully map user flows and create streamlined pathways for each user role. With purposeful interactions, we ensure a satisfying and efficient experience for all users.


Scalability and flexibility

As the business grows, the web app ux design must be able to accommodate an increasing number of users, features, and integrations without sacrificing performance or usability. We design scalable and flexible web apps using future-proof design principles. This ensures your app can adapt as your business evolves, leading to lasting success and user satisfaction.


Collaboration and communication

Ensuring effective collaboration and communication between stakeholders, developers, and designers can be challenging in complex enterprise environments. We follow an agile approach and maintain open communication throughout the design process to gather input, share progress, and iterate on web app interface design.


We create intuitive, high-impact web apps that drive user engagement.

  • consider-multiple-users-icon

    Consider multiple users and their roles

    We understand the needs, pain points, preferences and roles of multiple users to guide the design strategy and process of the complex web apps.

  • deal-complexity-icon

    Deal with complexity 

    We consider the inherent challenges in navigating the complex workflows of enterprise web apps and try to simplify them to reduce distraction and user frustration.

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    Increase work efficiency

    People using web apps usually do it because it’s their job — we understand this reality and design user experiences that allow them to do their job effectively.

  • focus-functionality-icon

    Focus on functionality

    Instead of overwhelming users with everything at once, we create a role-based user interface revealing particular functionalities only when the user needs them.

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    Configurations over customization

    Instead of focusing on customization that hampers scalability, our web app UX/UI design enables organizations to configure the software and meet specific user roles.

Our Work

UX design agility that drives real results for our clients


Maximize your business potential with our UX/UI design solutions

IoT apps

We design IoT apps that provide a seamless experience for users and ensure that users can easily interact with IoT devices, understand how they work, and carry out tasks efficiently leading to increased user adoption and satisfaction.

SaaS products

With a deep understanding of the SaaS landscape, we create designs that are both functional and visually appealing. Our goal is to create SaaS products that are easy to use and provide value to organizations.

Dashboard designs

We have expertise in designing dashboards that provide clear and concise information to stakeholders. Through intuitive, visually appealing, and easy-to-understand dashboards, we ensure that it enables users to make informed decisions.


We’ve designed B2B apps and software across 15+ industry verticals

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Supply chain management (SCM) apps
Accounting and finance apps
Collaboration and communication apps
Environmental health and safety software
Healthcare software system
Inventory management enterprise app
Labor management and compliance platform
Cyber security management app
Enterprise mobile apps
Human resource management system
Project and portfolio management apps
Marketing automation apps
Business intelligence (Bi) and data analytics apps
Marketing automation apps
Business intelligence (Bi) and data analytics apps
Marketing and sales management systems
Smart IoT applications
Hotel management software
Purchasing, fulfillment, and logistics applications
Insight and optimization platform
Success stories

How our solutions helped our
clients and what they say about us

Profile picture of Kareem G, Founder of My Traffic Tickets and client of UX team

Kareem Ghuneim


The power of UX design: How UXTeam improved My Traffic Tickets’ onboarding process and boosted user retention

Profile Picture of UXTeam's Client Neil

Neil Sareen


UX design for B2B: How UXTeam helped Xenia create a next-gen operations management app for mid-size hotels

Profile Picture of UXTeam's Client Dharmesh

Dharmesh Trivedi


Data-centric digital design: A success story on UXTeam’s partnership with DXFactor to drive business outcomes

Profile Picture of UXTeam's Client karim

Karim Belcaid

Chief Operating Officer

Innovating in the real estate industry: How UXTeam helped Agent Select to boost revenue through superior user experience

FAQs about enterprise UX

Why do you need web app design services?

Web app design services are crucial to create a user-friendly, engaging, and intuitive application interface. These services ensure your web application is visually appealing and easy to navigate, providing an optimal user experience. They can also help enhance the functionality of your app, improve user retention, and ultimately, boost your business growth.

What do web app design services involve?

Web app design services involve multiple stages including research, wireframing, prototyping, user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, and testing. These services aim to provide a seamless, attractive, and intuitive user experience. They cover everything from the overall layout of the app to the minute details like button placements and animations.

How long does it take to design a web app?

The time to design a web app varies greatly depending on the complexity of the project, the number of pages, and specific client requirements. A simple web app design can take a few weeks, while a more complex project might take several months. It’s essential to maintain clear communication with your design agency to understand the timeline.

How much do web app design services cost?

The cost of web app design services varies based on numerous factors including the complexity of the design, the number of pages, the experience level of the designers, and the geographical location of the design agency. For a basic web app design, costs might start from a few thousand dollars, but for more complex and custom designs, it can go significantly higher. We will provide you with the pricing quotation after discussing your budget and requirements thoroughly and before commencing the project.

Design Process

Crafting intuitive experiences with our fluid design process


Idea discovery
& research

Understand your idea, business model and the market problem that your product will solve.

  • Discovery session
  • User research
  • Competitive report
  • UX audit

Shaping the

Translate ideas and expectations into a wireframe. Detect changes early to avoid UX pitfalls.

  • Information architecture
  • Data flow
  • User journey
  • UX writing
  • Clickable prototype design

Visual design of
the project

Transform wireframes into production-ready UX design by implementing visually engaging UI elements.

  • Design systems
  • Motion design
  • Product look and feel
  • Micro interactions

Design testing
and support

Deliver the final visual design and transition UX design assets for smoother development kickoff.

  • Usability testing
  • Quality analysis
  • Align design with development

Talk to our UX expert

Reach out to learn more about how Web App UI design can impact your business outcomes.

Book a call

Profile image of Chintan Bhatt, Founder and design director of UX Team

Chintan Bhatt

Founder and Design Director, UXTeam

Let’s start a
design partnership

Tell us about your business needs and let’s understand how we can collaborate.

4.8 / 5

Client satisfaction score