profile picture of My Traffic Tickets Co-Founder Kareem Ghuneim
Success STORY

The power of UX design: How UXTeam improved My Traffic Tickets' onboarding process and boosted user retention

profile picture of My Traffic Tickets Co-Founder Kareem Ghuneim

Kareem Ghuneim


Project name

My Traffic Tickets


Legal services


Website redesign


Houston, Texas

An Interview with Kareem Ghuneim, the founder of My Traffic Tickets

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Can you give us an overview of My Traffic Tickets (MTT)?

I founded My Traffic Tickets (MTT) in 2013 to change the way people handle their traffic tickets. MTT has its own process of vetting the lawyers to make sure they are good. People can hire these lawyers to take care of their traffic tickets and keep their records clean. Today, MTT has a 97% success rate in fighting traffic tickets and keeping records clean.

What was the inspiration behind the idea?

Some years back, I got a traffic ticket so I hired a lawyer to take care of my case but the lawyer mishandled my traffic ticket and I had to endure the pain and stress of a serious legal problem. That’s when I thought to myself that there should be an easier route to fighting traffic tickets — a better way for people to connect with appropriate lawyers, submit their tickets online, and check the status of their cases.

“Not a lot of people know that paying off a traffic ticket causes insurance rates to go up. Paying the traffic ticket fine is actually the admission of guilt — it goes on your driving record and the insurance companies see it as a risk so they raise
the insurance rates.”

Talking purely from the design perspective, what were some of the business and UX challenges that you faced for MTT?

Forms are an indispensable tool for all companies to capture information; they are an unavoidable evil for businesses as maximum drop-offs happen at this stage. We use forms and questionnaires on the platform uses to sign up new users and to fetch more details about their traffic violation cases respectively.

The maximum user drop-offs were happening during the onboarding process because it was long and tedious. We wanted the onboarding processes to be extremely user-friendly and smooth for the customers that’s when we decided to invest in UX design.

Through MTT, we wanted to offer a simple, user-friendly experience to the users through design. We wanted to make the humdrum experience of filling forms more intuitive and effortless for the users.

Every business must evolve to stay ahead of the curve and user-centric design was one way to do it. That’s why, at MTT, we make incremental design changes that directly impact customer experience and make users happy. For us, every user counts. Even a 1% chance that makes customers happy is worth it for My Traffic Tickets.

When you identified the UX challenge in MTT, how did you try to resolve the design problem?

MTT never had a dedicated design resource to take care of the design needs. We had a team of engineers and developers with some knowledge of the front end so the first few design iterations were made by them with little or no knowledge about user-centric design. We realized that Ux design isn’t a cookie-cutter process and we wanted to revamp the experience to see if we could add more delight to customer journeys and increase conversions.

“UX design isn’t a cookie cutter process”

The engineers mostly used templates to design the pages so it always lacked a proper customer journey and they were more or less flawed with bugs. As the designs were not personalized to user needs, they failed to create conversions as expected.

Did you hire any other designer or agency before working UXTeam? How was the experience with them?

We hired a few freelance designers before working with UXTeam. The common problem with designers is that they ask what you want and then just blindly implement it. I’ve had experiences where the designers would ask, “what colors do you want? What type of page layout do you want?”. It annoyed me because the freelancers didn’t want to put effort to understand the perspective of business.

“I didn’t want to change things for the sake of it. I wanted to improve
customer experience to make the process of submitting traffic tickets and hiring
a lawyer seamless. That’s why I decided to hire a dedicated UX design agency.”

What were your requirements before hiring a design agency?

I had an idea of the risks involved in hiring a design agency or outsourcing work so my priority was to hire an agency that:

  • Understands the business and its purpose
  • Creates meaningful design that delivers results
  • Has good communication and collaboration skills
  • Offers cost-effective services
  • Have a fast turnaround time

How was your experience working with UXTeam?

I actually got lucky when I stumbled upon UXTeam. We never hired a UX agency before and UXTeam was a stroke of luck for us because we didn’t have to go through the pain of trial and error in design.

“UXTeam is very much involved in understanding the “why” of the business and
I think that’s the most important thing for an entrepreneur.They understood my
perspective and comprehended the business to create great designs.”

UXTeam doesn’t create beautiful designs for the sake of aesthetics. They create a functional design that focuses on the business needs as well as user flow. It’s a win-win situation because the work is great, the pricing is fair and it creates value for your business.

What was the outcome of the user experience design of MTT created by UXTeam? Did you see any measurable benefit from this collaboration?

At MTT, we measure conversions through bounce rates. We noticed the exceptional difference in the bounce rate after implementing the designs created by UXTeam. The new user experience changed the way MTT was presented to people — customers started to stick around. It built more credibility for the brand.

The design collaboration with UXTeam impacted the top line of My Traffic Tickets and translated into more sales.

If you had to talk about one element of UXTeam that stood out or surprised you pleasantly, what would that be?

The surprising element for me was the amount of time spent on the project. Unlike other agencies who want to quickly finish this one thing and move on to the next customer, I was surprised to see that UXTeam was in no haste. UXTeam cared more about making things right instead of just finishing them.

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